Our Programs

Martha's Cottage
Transitional housing and supportive services for older Maine residents who are victims of abuse

A Helping Voice
Partner in mandated reporting. When you need clarity, guidance, and support in reporting elder abuse

Elder Service Connections
A partnership with Maine Adult Protective Services (APS) to provide auxiliary support to older adults with open APS cases

Publications & Resources
The Elder Abuse Institute of Maine values peer-reviewed research and best practice. Through the vast expertise of our team and partners, we regularly participate in research activities and develop outreach materials to support the work of our partners and community.
Articles & News
A Huge Thank You to our Hope is the Key Sponsors!
On Thursday, July 18th, the Elder Abuse Institute of Maine Board of Directors, Staff, and Friends came together to...
An Interview with Mid Coast-Parkview Health
Mid Coast Hospital is one of our Cottage Champions - partners in the continued success of Martha's Cottage. Discover...
A Helping Voice Helpline: How EAIME Supports Elder Abuse Reporting
You’ve always kept an eye out for your 81-year-old neighbor, Mrs. Miller, who was widowed two years ago. Sociable and...