Martha’s Cottage
About Martha’s Cottage
“I still can’t get over what a miracle Martha’s Cottage was for me. You told me to just take each day as it came and promised that I’d feel more comfortable in that safe place soon. And, I did!”
Martha’s Cottage is the first transitional home for older victims of abuse in Maine and one of very few such housing options in the country. The renovations of the house – whose exact location is not advertised to protect its residents – were funded through the US Department of Justice, Office on Violence against Women.

We provide free transitional housing and supportive services to older Maine residents who are victims of abuse and who are in need of services to live free from abuse and mistreatment. Our cottages are located in Southern and Midcoast Maine.​

The goal of this program is to help clients leave unsafe situations and transition into long-term safe housing of their choice.

The house was named after Martha, who endured decades of abuse from her husband and shared her story to benefit others. This video chronicles the gradual progression of the abuse: the control, the isolation from family and friends, the constant threats and intimidation, and finally, Martha finding the courage to reach out for help.

This video is available for purchase to use as a training resource through Terra Nova Films. Information can be found here.
Martha’s Story
A Lifetime of Walking on Eggshells

Touching and intensely personal, this is Martha’s Story of “emancipation”  from Jim, her abusive husband. The video chronicles the gradual progression of the abuse–the control, the isolation from family and friends, the constant threats and intimidation and finally, Martha’s finding the courage to reach out for help.

In her own words and memories, Martha’s hindsight on her 51 years of abuse is hard won and honest, and as much a catharsis for herself as a clarion call for other abuse victims to realize that there is a way out with the hope and the opportunity to begin again.

“We were very moved by Martha’s Story and think this is a great contribution toward educating others. A must-see for healthcare, legal, social, and protective service providers.”

Michelle Zallar, National Clearing House on Abuse in Later Life

Program Contact

Jacinta Deschaine
Transitional Housing Program Specialist

Referral Information

To make a referral to Martha's Cottage, please call 207-805-3708.

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